Seeking Housing

Therapist Seeks Housing In Healdsburg Or The Surrounding Area

Head shot of Allen Willette, Neuromuscular Massage TherapistMy name is Allen Willette, I’m a 49-year-old Neuromuscular Therapist currently living in Kentfield (Central Marin) and I’m seeking a place to live in the Healdsburg area.

I’m also open to Forestville or Windsor and that general area –  Possibly Northern Santa Rosa.

I’m looking for a 1-2 bedroom apartment, townhouse, duplex, in-law unit or cottage – Something that’s detached, quiet and private, like a cottage would be ideal.

(No upstairs neighbors, please but a shared, common wall, as with a duplex or condo would be fine, as long as it’s well-insulated.)

In town would be fine, if it’s a quiet location, and somewhere in the countryside surrounded by open space would be even better!

And I would be happy to consider a care-taker role in that case…

Do you have a cottage on an estate that you need someone to watch over and handle a few, routine, maintenance tasks for you?

(I have a couple of years experience doing that in my 20s, back in Stowe, Vermont, and would enjoy the opportunity to do so again – especially if it gets me out of town and into the country with a lot of open space and peaceful surroundings!)


The little townhouse where I live now

I have stellar references from my current and previous landlords – My current, for past 11 years.

I was born in and spent my first 20+ years in Vermont. This September will mark my 20th year in California, all of them in Marin – And I’m ready for a change.

Central Marin feels too busy, too urban and too clogged with traffic and Sonoma beckons, in many ways reminding me of rural, agrarian Vermont.

I live a clean, quiet, private life and don’t entertain – Quiet being my “religion” and what I seek more than anything.

I don’t have any noisy or messy hobbies or activities, pets or a motorcycle and I don’t smoke or use drugs.

Just to give you a sense of how I keep things, (clean and uncluttered) here’s a photo of my current first floor – living room and kitchen.

(I include this because if I had a nice property I was renting out, I would like to know whether my prospective tenant would keep the space clean and well-cared for.)

Interior 1

Inside – First floor: Living / Kitchen

I’m also including these photos because I’m looking for something comparable; something nice with a little character – Not just a box with a door and a window.

What I love to do most is simply walk and hike, and having recently discovered the Russian River, I’ve fallen in love with kayaking, canoeing and swimming there, something you can’t easily do in Marin (in fresh water) and which I’ve dearly missed since leaving Vermont.

I eat very healthy food and typically cook 2 meals a day from scratch so I need a good kitchen, including a full-sized fridge and, ideally, a nice gas range and oven.

Oh, and I’m not a fan of wall-to-wall carpeting. It’s impossible to keep truly clean. I can tolerate some – if it’s only the bedroom, but not throughout. If the space is completely carpeted I’m not interested.

That’s about it. Please contact me if you have something I might be a fit for…

Preferably by email:

Or by phone at (415) 388-1001

(And feel free to check out the site this page is on: Body In Balance – if you’d like to learn about what I do for a living, as a Neuromuscular Therapist.)

I look forward to talking with you!

Allen Willette