The Tennis Elbow brace was in the news recently. In the Wall Street Journal.
Bracing for the Pain From Golf and Tennis

Do Braces Help You Heal?
The assertion was that braces and bands can relieve the pain of Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow, by applying compression to the forearm muscles or by limiting the mobility of the wrist.
This video takes a closer look at this frequently recommended method of treating Tennis Elbow – And the question of whether braces and other supports have any benefit beyond pain relief.
Most Tennis Elbow sufferers I’ve treated who chose to wear a brace or support before seeing me have said that it did “make it feel better” – temporarily, anyway.
But, the key question I think we need to ask is: Will it help your injury HEAL?
See also my earlier video on braces, bands and supports here
Treatment in Marin / San Francisco
If you’re in the Bay Area, please see my page about how I treat Tennis Elbow:
Tennis Elbow therapy at Body In Balance in Corte Madera
You get 100% hands-on Neuromuscular Therapy to help your muscles and tendons heal and recover naturally without dangerous drugs or invasive measures.