Five Things You Should Know About Computer-Related Pain And Injury
#1. The Warning Signs
Are you experiencing any of these warning signs in your hands, wrists, arms, neck, or shoulders?
- Recurring or constant pain, or even mild soreness
- Reduced mobility/excessive stiffness
- Numbness or tingling sensations
- Decreasing grip strength or tendency to drop things
By the time you begin to notice the warning signs, you have probably already developed a pattern of muscular strain.
(These patterns can sneakily accumulate for months or even years before causing symptoms.)
#2. How A Mouse & Keyboard Can Injure You
The cumulative strain from repeatedly performing the motions of typing and mousing, causes some muscles to become so fatigued they’re weakened and partially shut down.
Other muscles are called upon to pick up the slack and to compensate for the weakened muscles. These compensation muscles tend to become progressively shortened (tight) and restricted.
Continued strain may lead to microscopic tearing in parts of these muscles, setting off a chain reaction of inflammation, swelling, scar tissue formation, pain, and even further shortening of the muscles.
It is an insidious process that begins completely unnoticed, gradually increases to the level of an annoyance, and then eventually becomes a major disruption.
When these muscular strain patterns continue to the point of injury, they are generally known as Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI’s), and they can be just as debilitating as sudden, forcefully traumatic injuries (like sprains or fractures), in fact, they can be even worse.
#3. The Shortcomings Of The Standard Medical Approach
Should you see your Doctor if you are experiencing some of the warning signs listed above?
Yes, but you may want take into consideration, that although Allopathic Medicine is performing brilliantly in many areas, these types of injuries (RSI’s) are not among them.
Take Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, for instance. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most common computer-related injury.
Government statistics tell us that the typical Carpal Tunnel Syndrome injury results in six lost work weeks¹ (longer even, than the recovery time for an amputation¹), costs $30,000 in medical treatments and lost wages,¹ and here in California, more than half the time ends in some degree of permanent disability.²
Pain and anti-inflammatory medications: Pain, inflammation, and swelling are all symptoms of an injury. Drugs only suppress these symptoms; they do not actually help to heal the injury.
In fact, by interfering with the body’s natural responses, and inhibiting circulation to the injured area, drugs can actually slow down the healing process.
#4. Why Ergonomics Are Only Part Of The Answer
Proper ergonomics can minimize the strain of computer use on your muscles, but ergonomics alone cannot completely eliminate it—any more than proper maintenance will eliminate wear and tear on your car.
Yes, ergonomics are certainly important, and if you haven’t optimized yours yet, by all means do so, just don’t stop there if you are already having problems.
#5. Why The Complete Solution Should Include Neuromuscular Therapy
Your muscles need help.
Muscles do not self-correct very well, (See also: How muscles heal) they usually need help recovering from injury or chronic strain—Neuromuscular Therapy is a direct, efficient way of restoring muscle balance.
Neuromuscular Therapy can correct your muscular strain patterns and help prevent them from recurring, even if the factors that caused the problem remain unchanged.
More frequent maintenance sessions may be necessary if you have a very stressful work environment that can’t be improved, naturally.
Get The Therapy You Need To Correct Your Muscular Imbalances—Here At Body In Balance
You will receive two leading-edge Neuromuscular Therapies:
Soft Tissue Release and
Neuromuscular Retraining
Here’s an overview of both
And we’ll immediately begin to lead your muscles back to their normal, resilient, pain-free state.
You’ll learn targeted stretches and unique self-care techniques that you can do on your own to accelerate and maintain your progress, and to prevent future problems.