Treatment Success Stories

Tennis Elbow | Shoulder Injuries | Back And Neck Pain | Sports Injuries | Car Accident Injuries

Tennis Elbow Recoveries Musicians, Golfers And Tennis Players

For a more detailed look at how I treat Tennis Elbow, (my specialty) including a personal video, visit the Tennis Elbow Treatment page here.

(The video above is a playlist with multiple testimonials.)

Mark's Tennis Elbow Recovery Story

Professional Cellist Recovers From Stubborn Tennis Elbow Tendonitis

As founding cellist with the two time Grammy Award winning Turtle Island Quartet, I had never suffered the pain of Tendonitis that plagued many of my friends in the music business until fairly recently, when it became increasing difficult to get through my concerts without grimacing from the pain in both my arms. Realizing that my livelihood was threatened, I felt a deep sense of despair.

Luckily I found the eBook, which helped me understand why healing from tendon injuries can be so difficult and frustrating. It helped me avoid the many pitfalls of the conventional Tendonitis approach, and led me to seek treatment that effectively addressed my tendon injuries leaving me essentially pain-free.

- Mark Summer, Marinwood

Veteran Tennis Pro, Unexpectedly Stricken With Tennis Elbow After Many Pain-Free Years, Recovers Just As Quickly

As a teaching pro, I guess I always felt I was immune to developing Tennis Elbow, but due to an injury of a completely different nature I unknowingly started compensating and after a slow but sure build up it hit me in spades.

Since tennis is my livelihood and my passion I was distraught over what I figured to be a long and painful process of recovery. I first tried Acupuncture and then 4 sessions of the Active Release Technique with no improvement.

Fortunately, with a quick Google search, I found Allen Willette’s Tendonitis ebook. After __ session with Allen I was remarkably improved and after 4 sessions I was pain free, all the while continuing to work and play!

I’m also now much better educated in what Tendonitis is and how to prevent it. I wholeheartedly recommend that anyone with Tennis Elbow or other Tendonitis related injuries see Allen Willette for treatment ASAP.

- Scott Murphy, USPTA, Marin

Avid Golfer Quickly Overcomes Chronic Tennis Elbow Injury After Traditional Therapies Fail

What Allen did for me and my classic “Tennis Elbow” Tendonitis differed from previous treatments in several important ways: First, he looked beyond the specific injury to understand how other muscles and tendons were contributing to the problem and inhibiting recovery. In my case this led to a major breakthrough.

Allen’s intuitive skill with his technique, which takes advantage of the fact that muscles repair themselves more quickly if they are treated while in motion, was the second big difference, resulting in dramatic improvement within weeks. Of course, the biggest difference is that his treatment actually worked.

Previous therapy attempts, including resting the injury, cortisone injections, months of physical therapy, special armbands, and ice packs, had been uniformly ineffective. Allen’s professional manner as well as his deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics contribute strongly to his effectiveness. I recommend him highly.

- Zach McReynolds, Ross

Tennis Player Returns To All The Activities That Were Once Agonizing Including Tennis

Allen is an honorable guy who offers a program that really worked for me.

Having tried everything — 2 cortisone shots, 2 rehab stints, endless Flexbar, Theraband and weight exercises, wraps, creams, etc. — my Tennis Elbow was only getting worse.

Near wits’ end and not wanting surgery, I found Allen’s course online and figured I’d risk the money and give it a try. I found his intro video a bit odd but what sold me was his passion for the subject and the fact that he himself had suffered career threatening tendon injury.

Clearly, this guy knew quite a bit about the condition and since the conventional wisdom about the Tennis Elbow (i.e. Cortisone shots and Flexbar twists) had not helped me one bit I went for it. I’m so glad I did.

I’m lucky in that I live near enough to Allen’s office to have him personally work on my elbow, which I’m sure sped up the process. However, I continued to diligently perform the stretches and exercises prescribed in the videos and I’m sure they helped loosen my arm, build strength and speed my recovery.

The result? In 3 months my arm was nearly pain free. Now it has been 4.5 months and I am back doing all the activities—cooking, yard work, tennis and throwing—that used to be agonizing.

Considering that I had the condition for nearly a year before meeting Allen, that’s quite a recovery.

I have two friends, both orthopedists, who are also suffering from Tennis Elbow. They have tried cortisone and platelet rich plasma, and their elbows have only gotten worse. After seeing my results they are itching to try Allen’s program too.

- Kenny W, Lafayette, CA

Tennis Elbow Testimonial From L.L.

Tennis Elbow Testimonial From L.L.

O.K.s Tennis Elbow Success Story

O.K.s Tennis Elbow Success Story

Cynthia's Tennis Elbow Testimonial

Cynthia’s Tennis Elbow Testimonial

C.W.s Tennis Elbow Success Story

C.W.s Tennis Elbow Success Story

See Body In Balance’s Yelp Review Page Here

Tennis Team Captain With Sudden Tennis Elbow Injury Recovers And Keeps Playing At Height Of Season

All I can say is Allen Willette saved my arm and my tennis life! I was in a tennis tournament recently and screaming pain shot through my arm, something I have not experienced in 7 years. I was in such shock that this could happen at such an inopportune time as I am the captain of two tennis teams with a multitude of matches in the horizon.

I immediately searched the Internet and found Allen and read every word in his eBook and knew this was the kind of therapy I needed. Everything you think you know about Tennis Elbow? Throw it right out the window! After only __ sessions with Allen I am back playing tennis and pain free. I am eternally grateful for his wonderful work and cannot recommend him highly enough.

- Janet Knowlton, Mill Valley

Busy Manager Overcomes Chronic And Increasingly Debilitating Typing-Related Repetitive Strain Injury

When I started a new job I began to experience pain in my right arm at the end of the day. The pain got progressively worse from prolonged typing during the day. At night I would use an ice pack to numb the pain enough to sleep.

After several rounds of visits to orthopedic doctors and physical therapists there was no progress after months of treatment. I was told I was suffering from Elbow Tendonitis, and I was facing having to take months off of work from my new job. I also wasn’t sure if I would be dealing with this problem for life, requiring me to change careers. I felt devastated.

I began a search on the Internet to see what treatment other people with similar repetitive stress injuries had tried. I found Allen’s “Escaping the Tendonitis Triple Trap” online. I felt as if he was speaking directly to me as I’d tried the same standard treatments with no success. I was caught in the trap, and after months of pain with no end in sight, I was willing to drive one-hour from my office to meet with Allen.

In the initial consultation Allen was very attentive to my story and asked many questions. He assured me he could help me if I was willing to make the long drive each week. I readily agreed, as I had not received that level of personal attention by anyone so far. In only a few sessions I was able to type half days, and a few weeks later I was typing normally. During the entire treatment I was able to continue my Pilates classes without interruption.

Thanks to Allen, I am able to work again and not worry anymore if I will have to leave my job. I would recommend Allen to anyone suffering from a repetitive stress injury like mine from work, or any other cause.

- Alison S, Client Manager, Redwood City

Tendonitis Testimonial From M.B.

Tendonitis Testimonial From M.B.

R.G.s Wrist Tendon Injury Testimonial

R.G.s Wrist Tendon Injury Testimonial

Fred's Repetitive Strain Injury Success Story

Fred’s RSI Injury Success Story

Jeff's Arm / Elbow Pain Success Story

Jeff’s Arm / Elbow Pain Success Story

See Body In Balance’s Yelp Review Page Here

Rotator Cuff And Other Shoulder Injuries

For more about how I treat these injuries see the Rotator Cuff and Shoulder Injury Treatment page

Dislocated Shoulder Sufferer Recovers Full Pain-Free Mobility

I found out no pain, no gain is the wrong strategy when recovering from a dislocated shoulder. Rather than reinforcing bad habits in physical therapy, Allen made it easy by gently working out the compensations.

I can’t believe I have back nearly 100% functionality at age 43 with no lingering pain from a very traumatic injury.

- Hugh Campbell, Filmmaker, Fairfax

Avid Kitesurfer Finally Finds Lasting Relief After Five Years Of Debilitating Neck, Shoulder And Radiating Arm Pain

During 5 years of chronic neck and shoulder pain, I tried almost everything. Countless massage, yoga, and Pilates sessions were good for me, but not providing relief. I’m an avid kitesurfer, which is pretty violent at times, and that certainly wasn’t helping.

I have rehabilitated a few serious injuries, including lower back trauma from skiing-induced cliff-jumping, so I know there are no easy fixes. Yet for all my efforts, I couldn’t find a fix for this.

Getting out of bed in the morning was a daily trial. My neck and shoulders felt locked up, with shooting, sharp pain from the base of my skull down to my fingers. My doctor prescribed painkillers and sleeping pills. It totally sucked, but I could keep kiting, which sort of worked for a bit. It didn’t work forever, though, and I was about to try acupuncture as a last resort when Allen came highly recommended to me. I’d never heard of Neuromuscular Therapy, but I was willing to try anything.

Allen quickly identified scapular instability as my main issue. In two short months he eliminated all the radiating, debilitating pain. I was thrilled to have found a treatment with such excellent results. The exercises he suggested really helped, and worked into my regimen well. Over the following months, Allen has chased down the less severe instabilities and compensations. I am now 90% pain free, with no severe chronic pain at all.

- Mike M, Kitesurfer/Programmer, Berkeley

Mountain Biker With Shoulder Injury Rapidly Regains Her Full, Pain-Free Mobility

I was mountain biking in Marin County and it was my first attempt at “single track”. At one point I must have hit something because I was thrown over the handlebars of my bike. They helicoptered me to John Muir Medical center. I had suffered a bad concussion and had obviously landed on my shoulder as well as my head.  X-rays showed that nothing in my shoulder was broken, but I couldn’t move my arm and was in pain.

A close friend mentioned Allen Willette as someone who could help restore my shoulder. In only __ treatments Allen completely rehabilitated my shoulder.

- Marje Helfet, Marin

Rotator Cuff Injury Sufferer, Still Weak And In Pain Months After Surgery, Receives Several Treatments At Body In Balance And Then Rafts Down The Colorado River Completely Pain Free

The trip was great… I was able to row as hard as necessary and to function completely without pain for the whole trip. I took my entire medicine cabinet of pain medications with me and never took as much as an aspirin for shoulder pain. In fact, my shoulder never felt better on a raft trip…

In no small way, I owe this to your treatment and discussion of the treatment while in your office. Thanks for helping to make my trip a success. (Since I came back my shoulder as been fine, so I am working out normally.)

- Steve Kachur, East Bay

Steady Improvement Leads To 100% Pain-Free Mobility For Senior With Originally Unresponsive Rotator Cuff Tendonitis

Nine sessions of Physical therapy for Rotator Cuff shoulder Tendonitis gained nothing. I found Allen on line and scheduled an appointment. The first session yielded definite improvement and with each following appointment came a marked increase in mobility and reduction of pain. I am a senior citizen age 67 and certain that without Allen’s precise, gentle, and persistent “Shoulder Shortcut” technique I would not be enjoying the 100% pain free full range of movement I enjoy today.

- Audrey Nelson, Redwood City

Arts Professor Finds Immediate Relief And Better Mobility From Completely Seized-Up Frozen Shoulder

I knew I had found a good practitioner after my first conversation with Allen Willette. I sought a Neuromuscular Therapist who could work on my chronic frozen shoulder, (of 14 years running) which was completely seized up at the time.

Clearly knowledgeable about shoulder musculature and massage therapy, what I liked best during our first conversation was Allen’s interest in and concern for my specific case. We had a long discussion. Allen wanted to hear all about my shoulder and he gently questioned me until he understood the history of my condition.

Although I can never expect to have 100% mobility again due to the limitations of the extensive surgery I underwent years ago, I benefited enormously from my first appointment with Allen and felt immediate relief. He is always professional, thorough, gentle, and caring, and I’ve not only benefited from muscular relief, but I’ve also learned from Allen how to retrain old holding patterns that have been debilitating.

- Sally Elesby, Adjunct Assistant Professor, California College of the Arts

Low-Back Pain And Neck Pain

“…I had completely forgotten what it felt like to be pain free…this has changed my life…”

I have been living with chronic neck pain for 15 years. Nearly every remedy I have tried, including surgery, has produced little to no relief. It had gotten to the point where I assumed; coping with pain on a daily basis was part of my life.

For the past two months I’ve been getting “neuromuscular therapy” treatments from Allen Willette in Corte Madera.

It has been tremendously helpful. I had completely forgotten what it felt like to be pain free. It has been amazing to realize that at the end of a day, I have been pain free all day. In fact, this has changed my life.

I wish someone had told me about this kind of therapy sooner. I wouldn’t have had to be in pain all these years. Hopefully, my story and this information will be helpful to you and those you know.

Kind regards,

- Joyce, Exec. V.P. Intl. Telecom

“…I felt immediate relief from the excruciating pain in my neck and shoulder…”

I originally went to see Allen Willette of Body In Balance because of a very stiff and sore shoulder and neck on one side. I thought sleeping on my side incorrectly caused the injury.

I had been to a chiropractor who told me that my problem was caused by sitting too much. He treated me. He then gave me some exercises to do and a list of things not to do. He also told me that it would take a year to heal. A year sounded like a long time to be in pain.

I saw the Body In Balance ad and called Allen. After one treatment, I felt immediate relief from the excruciating pain in my neck and shoulder. After just a few more, it was gone.

I have had neck and back problems for years that are now exacerbated by working at the computer. My neck, shoulders, upper back, lower back and hips get stiff and ache. My mouse hand also tingles and aches.

I have tried many different approaches to relieve the pain such as massage, chiropractic treatments, traditional therapy, hospital “therapy/exercise classes”, reflexology, Feldenkrais bodywork, acupuncture, and acupressure. I also do yoga semi-regularly.

All of these methods did relieve some of the pain. Yoga, Feldenkrais, and the preventative exercises were the best help. But when the pain got really bad, none of them helped.  The only treatment that really took care of the pain was the Neuromuscular Therapy that Allen employed.

When you are in constant pain, relief is an incredible feeling. It was just this close to a miracle. It really worked.

- Jacquelynn Kathleen, Monte Rio

“…After just a few sessions with Allen, I started to feel like my old self for the first time in three years…”

When I stumbled onto Allen’s website 9 months ago, I had spent the last three years in and out of doctor’s office’s trying to get to the bottom of nagging pain in my right groin, leg and lower back. I visited Chiropractors, Acupuncturists and Rolfers, and still could not shake this thing.

I was aware of the pain and discomfort every time I took a step–my muscles were so tight that they were pulling my body out of alignment and had made walking feel awkward. I was so frustrated and scared that I was going to have to live with this pain and discomfort for my whole life (and I am only 27).

After just a few sessions with Allen, I started to feel like my old self for the first time in three years. Allen helped me stretch out the affected muscles and retrain them so that they wouldn’t keep pulling all of my other muscles out of whack.

All the doctors I had been to had suggested that my pain was in my head, because they couldn’t find a medical explanation for what was going on. Allen was so caring and patient and he always consulted with me before he tried a new technique. Now, weeks go by without me feeling any discomfort. I am still seeing Allen once a month to make sure that we have this thing nabbed, but I really believe that I am on my way to being 100% pain free.

Allen’s treatments have allowed me to start exercising again and to focus my energies on the good things in life, instead of focusing on the pain.

- Alexandria, Social Worker, CPMC, San Francisco

“…In a few visits, I was completely pain free in my lower back…”

I suffered a lower back “sprain” over 20 years ago, which would come and go, sometimes lasting weeks. The latest occurrence lasted for months and was severely disabling, to say the least. I feared the slightest wrong move, which could drop me to the ground instantly.

After trying massage therapy, neuromuscular therapy, hot tubs, cold packs, and muscle relaxants, I found Allen Willette in Corte Madera.

In a few visits, I was completely pain free in my lower back and have been able to stay that way now for months.

He has also been able to relieve much of the pain of “overuse syndrome” in my right forearm with his soft tissue release work. I recommend Allen highly to anyone suffering from this kind of pain.

- Jim Deen, Project Manager, Mill Valley

Sports Injuries

“…I was able to dramatically increase my runs to 12-14 miles, a distance I hadn’t been able to run for 6 years…”

As a former collegiate cross country/track runner and now as a runner and triathlete, I have had my fair share of injuries over the years. One particular injury, an ilio-tibial band Tendonitis, had chronically limited my running/biking and swimming and frustrated my long-term goals. I had been battling this particular injury since running the Grand Canyon rim to rim to rim ultra marathon in 1992. Each time I re-injured my leg, I would dutifully rest/ice/stretch/buy new shoes/purchase “gizmos” like ilio-tibial bands, and ultimately fall short of my running or triathlon goals.

Last summer, following another re-injury on the bike leg of the Wildflower Triathlon, I found myself limited to swimming as my only workout. Both running and biking became physically impossible secondary to the continued pain and inflammation around my lateral/posterior knee. Needless to say, my frustration level was sky high as I have become accustomed over the years to the endorphin rush and challenge of high intensity workouts. Throughout the fall I once again began biking but found that I had to compensate for my injury by using my left leg as the power stroke. This new biking “technique” began to cause other compensation injuries making me wonder whether I would ever be able to train without severe limitations.

As an emergency physician and spinal cord injury researcher, I take care of patients daily with both acute sports injuries and over-use syndromes. Over the past several years I have become convinced that “modern medicine” offers little hope of full recovery for certain sports injuries and musculoskeletal disorders. Although I do prescribe RICE therapy (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) to patients with acute injuries, I strongly believe that chronic injuries require a more balanced muscular/movement based approach to both heal the injury and prevent re-injury.

After performing an extensive search of all massage therapy and sports medicine practitioners, I arranged an appointment this spring with Allen Willette. On our first meeting I was impressed by his thoroughness and ability to quickly discover my muscular asymmetry and various compensation patterns that I had created over the years. I was struck by my right leg weakness and his thoughts as to how I had worsened the original injury. I was also impressed by his confidence in restoring the strength and function to my right leg.

By the end of our third session, I had begun noticing amazing results.  Instead of experiencing the familiar tightening painful sensation around my IT-band while running or cycling, I began to feel a stretching sensation. As Allen continued to “release” certain antagonist muscles, I was able to dramatically increase my runs to 12-14 miles, a distance I hadn’t been able to run for 6 years. My biking distances and efforts also improved dramatically.

In addition to the weekly sessions, Allen has given me new stretches and self-massage techniques that help me take control over my injuries. I cannot recommend Allen Willette more highly as I feel that his body therapy techniques have given me a new opportunity to attain my lifelong athletic goals.


- William D. Whetstone M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Div. of Emerg. Med, UCSF

Sciatica Sufferer Finally Recovers From Persistent Tension, Weakness & Pain of “Sports Injury Legacy”

Before I came to Allen, I had been under the mistaken impression that the human body could properly heal itself from the average sports injury.  However, my pain continually got worse to the point where I was forced to seek help.

I looked for help on the internet, and Allen’s site was the best one I came across for information on muscular/sciatic pain. I was stunned to discover that Allen’s office was only a couple of miles from my house! How fortunate I was. The first thing Allen did was to help me understand what was going on with my body.

My muscular problems had evolved over several years from a combination of causes.  Two sports injuries on the same leg had taken away my ability to exercise well.  This, combined with a sedentary computer job, had weakened my lower back, and tightened my left posterior fascial band. Also, there was an entrenched “muscle compensation pattern” in place that was overworking certain muscles in my left leg. My problems were quite complicated, but uncovering the truth about them was a crucial step on the road to recovery.

Allen’s process of re-programming my muscles was like peeling away the layers of an onion. I always felt great after his treatments… so much so that I had to guard against getting over-anxious to rush my recovery. Allen showed me several exercises I could do at home, which aided the process of putting my body back in balance tremendously.

With Allen’s therapy, and an appropriate exercise regimen, I feel I am just about completely healed. What I got from Allen was invaluable, and he has dramatically changed the course of my life for the better.

Thank you, Allen!

- Steve Means, Kentfield, CA

Car Accident Injuries / Whiplash

“…After just three sessions a substantial amount of my chronic pain began to disappear…”

Over a period of ten years I suffered a series of mishaps including two car accidents where I was hit very hard from behind. These incidents left me in chronic pain. I was constantly adjusting and readjusting my posture and sleeping positions because of the interminable pain and stiffness in my back.

I attempted to resolve the pain with muscle relaxants, traditional massage therapy, acupressure, chiropractic, simple yoga exercises, and even by buying a new bed. Although all of these approaches generally made me feel better, nothing seemed to relieve the major source of the discomfort for any length of time.

After just three sessions with Allen Willette at Body In Balance, a substantial amount of my chronic pain began to disappear, and the energy I had been expending to maintain my maladjusted posture began to return.

…Thanks to the effectiveness of this technique, two months of treatments was all I needed to make the difference I was looking for. Although I no longer require regular treatments, I now know where to turn and where to refer my friends for all types of muscular aches and pains.

- Suzanne A., Legal Professional, San Francisco

Severe Car Accident Injury Sufferer Recovers Mobility And Regains Normal Feelings In Her Neck & Back

I have been the fortunate recipient of Allen Willette’s care for the past year, resulting in a marked decrease in my pain and discomfort due to an auto accident.

Before I was referred by my doctor to Allen for bodytherapy, I had tried numerous other therapies including physical therapy, massage therapy, and chiropractic care. My symptoms included deep discomfort, pain, and stiffness in my neck and upper back, and a dulling of sensation in the area.

Because of Allen, I am now experiencing normal sensations in my neck and back. I feel much looser and much less tense, and my range of motion is greatly increased.I feel grateful to have found such a sensitive, respectful, and talented practitioner, and have recommended him with pride and confidence to my friends and family.

- A.N.Z., Mother/Musician, Richmond

Other Endorsements

Recommendation From Chiropractic Neurologist

I have had the opportunity to work closely with Allen Willette in a clinical setting. I have found him to be extremely focused in his work and professional at all times.

My patients have benefited from his in depth knowledge of anatomy, and ability to apply the appropriate techniques to individual cases. Allen’s ability to understand how his care integrates with other forms of therapy makes him a valuable addition to any health care team.

I highly recommend his services and only regret that the new location of practice makes it impossible for my patients to utilize his remarkable skills and passion for soft tissue therapy.


- Jeffrey S. Johnson, D.C., D.A.C.N.B., Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist

Tennis Elbow | Shoulder Injuries | Back And Neck Pain | Sports Injuries | Car Accident Injuries | Top of Page

NOTE: Testimonials / Success Stories Not Necessarily Typical – (The results described in the testimonials above, and elsewhere on this site, do not necessarily describe the typical or average results, and should not be taken as such. Your results may differ greatly.) See also: Testimonial Disclaimer

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