Are there any Vitamins, nutrients or supplements you can take to help your Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow injury heal faster or simply to help relieve the pain?
Sooner or later; sometime between the anti-inflammatories, the ice packs and getting the brace – and trying to figure out just what IS the right treatment strategy for Tennis Elbow (which should include NONE of those things, in my opinion!)…
You’re going to start wondering about vitamins, herbal remedies and supplements – And you’ll come across all sorts of claims on the Internet that this, that or the other vitamin or supplement helps – including, but not limited to:
- Basic Vitamins – like Vitamins A,B,C and D
- Anti-inflammatory herbs – like Bromelain, Turmeric and Ginger
- Glucosamine, MSM and Chondroitin – (Joint supplements)
- Fish Oil – (And vegetable Omega 3 oil capsules)
- Collagen supplements – (including Shark Cartilage)
For the complete, original article and over a dozen more + helpful videos visit my Tennis Elbow Classroom:
Full, Original Article On Supplements For Tennis Elbow Here
Many people certainly want to avoid toxic anti-inflammatory pills, and they’re looking for natural alternatives for both pain relief AND to support their healing process.
But the short answer is that this leads too many desperate Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow sufferers down a rabbit hole chasing miracle cures.
Most of this stuff, like MSM, herbs, Collagen and anything claiming to be “Anti-inflammatory” is pointless and a waste of money – At least when it comes to healing tendon injuries like Tennis Elbow!
Podcast Version (Listen On The Go!)
(You can download this podcast episode, play it later and keep it if you want.) Just click the download link below – It’s the “arrow pointing down in the box” symbol:
Treatment In The Marin / Sonoma County Area
If you’re in the Bay Area, please see my page here about how I treat Tennis Elbow:
Hint: No ice – No “symptom masking” – Just focused, hands-on Neuromuscular Therapies to help your muscles and tendons heal and recover naturally without dangerous drugs or invasive measures