Tennis Elbow Treatment In Marin And Sonoma County

Better Tennis Elbow Treatment That Breaks Your Vicious Cycle Of Pain At Its Root

Your Tennis Elbow treatment program will include the best of both worlds: In-person Neuromuscular Massage Therapy sessions with me, here at Body In Balance – AND video self-help lessons you can watch and follow along with at home (at Tennis Elbow Classroom ) – Let’s put an end to your Tennis Elbow frustrations, limitations and pain once and for all!

Ready to get started? Just click the ‘Book Appointment’ button:

Need A Crash Course To Gain A Better Understanding Of Your Injury?

Tennis Elbow 101 - A free video introductory course

Get my ‘Tennis Elbow 101 Course’ free, by simply subscribing. I created this HD video course for new or “uncertain” Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow sufferers (and anyone looking for a better, more sensible perspective)

So even if you’ve had your injury for months, this “intro” course may be very helpful to you – especially if all you’ve ever known is the standard, “common wisdom” approach to it.

Your Neuromuscular Massage Therapy Treatment At Body In Balance

Photo: Tennis Elbow Therapy, Marin, San FranciscoIf you have a severe or chronic case of Tennis Elbow there is no substitute for hands-on therapy that releases your muscles and gives your tendons the kind of “stimulation” they need to heal faster and stronger.

Here a few words – including a video – from some of my pain-free, former Tennis Elbow sufferers

What you get here – ALL you get here is attentive, focused one-on-one treatment. This isn’t “Routine Rehab” – There are no ice packs, no useless ultrasound, and you don’t get left laying around on a cold slab of vinyl with annoying electrodes zapping you.

I’ve been specializing in treating Tennis Elbow – (and Tendonitis in general) – for 8-10 years now very successfully, and at the heart of my approach are two very special therapies:

Soft Tissue Release (STR) – In a very general way STR is a kind of “Deep Tissue Massage” – but I say that only as a jumping off point. This is the fastest way I know of to release the kinds of restrictions from tension and Scar Tissue that most Tennis Elbow sufferers have as one of the root causes of their injury.

NeuroMuscular Retraining (NMR) – Every Tennis Elbow case I’ve ever seen has had a pattern of muscle weaknesses and compensations. NMR helps to restore coordination and strength to muscles that have become stuck in a state of “amnesia” – whether because of sudden, forceful injury or gradual repetitive strain.

And here’s a side-by-side summary of each therapy showing how they each help you recover on two different levels; the more physical (Soft Tissue Release) and the more functional (Neuromuscular Retraining)…

Neuromuscular Massage Therapy Marin – Summary

Your Self-Help Program Lessons At Tennis Elbow Classroom

Through high-quality, step-by-step video tutorials, you’ll learn how to apply my powerful therapy techniques on your own muscles and tendons. I’ll show you the three most important stretches you need for your Tennis Elbow, and I’ll teach you the three crucial exercises.

Tennis Elbow Self-Treatment Therapy ProgramTennis Elbow Self-Treatment Program - StretchingTennis Elbow Self-Treatment Program - Exercises

And even if you don’t live in the Marin or Sonoma County area and can’t see me for treatment, you can still get a membership to my Tennis Elbow Classroom and follow the self-help program at home wherever you are:

Learn More About Tennis Elbow Classroom Membership

Detailed Tennis Elbow Articles And Videos

Why you shouldn’t bother icing your Tennis Elbow… How “absolute rest” is rust and counter-productive… Why braces are not a sensible treatment… The dangers or Cortisone shots – Even some guidelines on the question of “When is it time to start considering surgery!?” And more…

You can find all the articles and videos here in the Tennis Elbow Articles Section – And on my companion site in greater detail: Tennis Elbow Classroom (Articles)

Why You Should NOT Use Ice

Why You Should NOT Use Ice

How Helpful Is Rest For Tennis Elbow?

How Helpful Is Rest For Tennis Elbow?

Does wearing a brace help Tennis Elbow heal?

Do Braces Help You Heal?

How Long Does Tennis Elbow Take To Heal?

How Long Does Tennis Elbow Take To Heal?

The Cortisone Shot: Why You Don't Want One

Cortisone Shots: Why You Don’t Want One

Is it safe to keep working out when you have Tennis Elbow?

Can You Keep Working Out With Tennis Elbow?

Ready to get started with your treatment?
Just click the ‘Book an Appointment’ button:

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