How does casting and reeling sometimes end up causing so much pain? Here’s how to better understand and treat frustrating, painful fishing-related elbow overuse injuries, AKA, ‘Angler’s Elbow’ – And avoid the common mistakes that can impede your recovery.
What’s the best position to sleep in when you have a Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow injury? Should you try to keep your elbow either bent or straight? – Is it a good idea to wear a brace on your wrist or elbow at night – or is it better not to?
Overuse Injuries of the elbow are all-too-common among all kinds of cyclists, including Mountain, road, Motocross – and even stationary bikers. Here’s how to deal with these injuries (often either Golfer’s or Tennis Elbow) including bike fit and alignment tips.
Is swimming helpful or detrimental to Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow? Could swimming be a potential form of rehab exercise – Especially if swimming didn’t cause your injury? (Or should you absolutely stop swimming until it heals?)
Do you have Mouse Elbow or other computer-related pain in your elbow, wrist or hand? – Here are 3 key Ergonomic adjustments you can make to help break your desktop, tablet or laptop-related pain and injury cycle! (Video shows you 3 tips)
Are there any Vitamins, nutrients or supplements you can take to help your Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow injury heal faster or to relieve the pain? Or are they a complete waste of your money!
It’s summer and Tennis Elbow season is upon us! Here are the early warning signs of Tennis Elbow to watch for, what to do if you start feeling them – And how seriously you should take them.
If you have a severe, chronic case of Golfer’s or Tennis Elbow, when is it time to start thinking about surgery? – This video covers five key things to consider, including whether you’re a good candidate for surgery and whether you’ve really “tried everything!”
Do you have wrist or elbow pain from taking too many selfies? (Or texting or using your ipad?) You may have a “new” type of Tech Injury, many are starting to call “Selfie Elbow” – Only this isn’t truly a new condition, it’s just the repetitive actions causing it that are new. (It’s likely either Golfer’s or Tennis Elbow) – And we can treat that here at Body In Balance! (If you’re in the Marin / S.F. Bay Area)
Is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection Therapy an efficacious, new treatment approach to Lateral Epicondylitis / Tennis Elbow?… Or is it actually an over-priced, unproven fad, driven by famous-athlete publicity and marginal medical studies?
Yes, golfers do get Tennis Elbow – And a quick glance at golf websites, medical studies and injury statistics, shows that golfers actually seem to suffer this condition more often than Golfer’s Elbow! (But WHY is Tennis Elbow a more common golf injury?)
Is it a good idea to continue practicing Yoga while you’re recovering from Tennis Elbow? – And are there any Yoga poses that could exacerbate or even cause Tennis Elbow if done incorrectly?
Which upper-body strength training / weight lifting / gym exercises should you avoid, stop or modify – when you have a Lateral Epicondylitis injury?
Braces are claimed to relieve the pain of Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) – But isn’t the real issue whether wearing a brace, band or support will actually help your tendon injury heal? [VIDEO]
Are you still treating, fighting or worrying about inflammation? – Here’s why you can stop treating and fighting Tennis Elbow “inflammation.” (What medical researches first started discovering DECADES ago about the original inflammation / “Tendinitis” theory on Tennis Elbow.)
“Why is it taking so long to heal?” is one of the most common Tennis Elbow treatment-oriented questions I’m asked – both online and in my practice. Why is it that some Tennis Elbow injuries take only weeks to recover from – while others take months or even years? And is there a way to avoid this and speed up your recovery?
Video: The three best exercises for Tennis Elbow rehabilitation, which ones you should begin strengthening with – and how taking an “indirect approach” is the smart way to start your Tennis Elbow exercise program.
There are three key goals of exercise when recovering from Tennis Elbow, but is there really a perfect formula? And should exercise really be your top priority when treating your Tennis Elbow injury?
It seems like tennis pros rarely get injured with Tennis Elbow. Why is that considering how much tennis they play compared to those who play for fun and recreation?
If Tennis Elbow is really just an inflamed tendon at your elbow – “Tendonitis” – or even a minor tear in the tendon, WHY then doesn’t it get better with a little ice, a little rest and a few anti-inflammatories?
One big reason is that Tennis Elbow is usually not that kind of injury. It’s a different kind of injury altogether: Think TendinOSIS rather than TendonITIS.